Network Layer

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Connection, connectionless service

Virtual Circuit

Datagram network

Router architecture

Input port functions

Decentralized switching

Switching factors

Output port functions


Internet Protocol

Datagram format

32 bits
version head len type of service length
16-bit identifier flags fragment offset
time to live upper layer header checksum
32 bit source IP address
32 bit destination IP address
options, if any
data (variable lenfth, typically a TCP or UDP segment)

Fragmentation, reassembly

IP Addressing



Getting an IP address


Hierarchical Routing

NAT: Network Address Translation

ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol



ver pri flow label
payload len next hdr hop limit
source address (128 bits)
destination address (128 bits)

Transition from IPv4

Routing algorithms

Graph abstraction

A graph \(G = (N, E)\). \(c(x, x')\) is the cost of the link \((x, x')\).

Question: what is the least cost path from the source to the destination?

Distance vector

Bellman-Ford equation (DP)
Let \(d_x(y) :=\) cost of least cost path from \(x\) to \(y\)
Then, \(d_x(y) = \min\{c(x,v) + d_v(y)\}\)

Hierarchical Routing

Inter-AS tasks

Internet Intra-AS Routing

RIP: Routing Information Protocol

OSPF: Open Shortest Path First

BGP: Border Gateway Protocol

Broadcast Routing